Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Praise for the SUCCEED Act

Since Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC), James Lankford (R-OK), and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduced the Solution for Undocumented Children through Careers, Employment, Education, and Defending our Nation (SUCCEED) Act on September 25, 2017, many groups and organizations have expressed their support for the Senate GOP Dreamer fix. Here are some of their statements:

Jerry Taylor, President of the Niskanen Center wrote, “I applaud Senators Tillis and Lankford for demonstrating bold leadership and dedication in identifying constructive, conservative solutions to our nation’s most difficult problems. This permanent, legislative, Republican-led initiative protects Dreamers who work, study, or serve in the military. Republicans should embrace this historic opportunity to pass meaningful immigration reform.” (Source)

Theresa Cardinal Brown, Director of Immigration and Cross-Border Policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center wrote, “I am encouraged that Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC), James Lankford (R-OK), and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) have today announced their own legislation aimed at providing permanent status for young people brought to the United States illegally through no fault of their own.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wrote, “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is encouraged by the introduction of the SUCCEED Act by Senators Tillis and Lankford.  The SUCCEED Act helps chart a path forward in making permanent the types of protections contained in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.”

FWD.us wrote, “We’re encouraged to see Senator Tillis, Senator Lankford, and Senator Hatch join President Trump and the 75% of Republicans who want Congress to pass legislation to allow Dreamers to stay permanently in the only country they know as home. No legislation is perfect, but it is critical that any bill that makes its way to the President’s desk ensures due process protections for these hardworking young people, and includes a reasonable pathway to citizenship. We need to be clear that talk and assurances mean nothing without a law signed into place, and we urge every single member of Congress to cosponsor bipartisan legislation to protect Dreamers without delay.”

The Hispanic Leadership Fund wrote, “The Hispanic Leadership Fund applauds Republican Senators Tillis, Lankford, and Hatch for introducing the SUCCEED Act. This bill is a great step toward a reasonable and constructive conservative solution to the Dreamer issue.” (Source)

Daniel Garza, President of the LIBRE Initiative, wrote, “A number of conservative lawmakers in the House and Senate have introduced legislative proposals to address this challenge. We are grateful for their leadership on this important issue.” (Source)

Alex Nowrasteh, Immigration Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute wrote that “the SUCCEED Act will diminish deficits.” (Source)

The Sutherland Institute, a conservative think tank in Utah, Tweeted, “We support the SUCCEED Act because it is good immigration policy”. (Source)

Linda Moore, TechNet president, wrote, “The clock is running on Dreamers, and March 5 will be here before we know it.  We appreciate the sense of urgency Senators Tillis, Lankford, and Hatch are demonstrating on this issue and for putting forward a serious proposal for Congress to consider. Deporting 800,000 Dreamers would hurt our economy, and unrightfully punish children for the actions of their parents.  Neither is good for America.  It’s time for Congress to act and make sure politics doesn’t get in the way of providing relief for these young people.” (Source)

John Feinblatt of the New American Economy wrote, “This is a pragmatic approach that gets Congress closer to yes on immigration reform. Talented, hard-working young immigrants brought to our country as children have earned the chance to pursue the American Dream, and it makes economic sense to invest in their futures.” (Source)

IBM tweeted, “We applaud @SenThomTillis, @SenatorLankford, @senorrinhatch for efforts to provide certainty for #Dreamers. #DACA” (Source)




The post Praise for the SUCCEED Act appeared first on Niskanen Center.

from nicholemhearn digest https://niskanencenter.org/blog/praise-senate-gop-dreamer-fix-succeed-act/

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